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· 3 min read

When it comes to building modern websites and applications, developers need a flexible and powerful content management system (CMS) that can keep up with their requirements. That's where headless CMS comes in, offering a decoupled architecture that separates the content from the presentation layer, giving developers more freedom to build and customize their applications.

In this article, we'll explore the best open-source headless CMS options available to developers.


Strapi is a popular open-source headless CMS that offers an intuitive admin panel and extensive customization options. With Strapi, developers can create their APIs and customize their data structure using plugins and modules. The platform also offers a range of integrations, including GraphQL, REST, and Node.js.


Directus is a self-hosted open-source headless CMS that offers a range of features, including an intuitive API builder, customizable admin interface, and real-time collaboration. The platform is built using modern web technologies like Vue.js and Node.js, making it easy to customize and extend.


Ghost is a headless CMS platform that is specifically designed for bloggers and content creators. The platform offers a simple, clean interface, and extensive customization options for users. Additionally, Ghost is built using modern web technologies, making it easy to customize and extend.


Cockpit is a self-hosted open-source headless CMS that offers an intuitive admin interface and customizable data structure. The platform also offers a range of integrations, including RESTful API and MongoDB.

Apito CMS ( Community )

Apito CMS is a new player in the headless CMS market, but it's quickly gaining popularity due to its powerful features and modern API-first approach. The platform offers a headless CMS architecture, making it easy to build modern websites, mobile apps, and other digital experiences. Apito CMS is designed to be flexible and customizable, providing extensive customization options for developers to tailor the CMS to their specific needs. Additionally, Apito CMS is focused on security and scalability, making it an excellent choice for large-scale websites and applications.

We will open source a community version of Apito CMS Soon.

In summary, there are several open-source headless CMS options available to developers, each with its unique features and benefits. Whether you're looking for an intuitive admin panel, extensive customization options, or a platform designed specifically for bloggers and content creators, there's a headless CMS option that can meet your requirements.

If you're looking for a modern, intuitive, and secure headless CMS, Apito CMS is an excellent choice to consider. Its API-first approach and flexible architecture make it an ideal platform for developers who want to build modern websites, mobile apps, and other digital experiences.

· 3 min read

WordPress has long been a popular choice for building websites and content management systems (CMS). With its user-friendly interface and extensive plugin ecosystem, WordPress has become the go-to platform for many businesses and developers. However, in recent years, a new breed of CMS API tools has emerged that offers faster, more scalable, and more flexible options for building headless CMSs. In this article, we'll compare WordPress and Apito CMS, one of the leading CMS API tools on the market, to see which one is better suited for modern web development.


WordPress is a free and open-source CMS that powers over 40% of all websites on the internet. With WordPress, users can create custom themes, plugins, and functionality to build a website that meets their specific needs. WordPress also comes with a built-in CMS that allows users to manage their content, pages, and media files from a central location.

However, WordPress is not without its limitations. While it's easy to use, it can be slow and bloated, especially when dealing with large amounts of data or complex functionality. Additionally, WordPress is not optimized for headless CMS architecture, which can make it challenging to use in modern web development environments.

Apito CMS

Apito CMS is a cloud-based CMS API tool that enables developers to build and manage headless CMSs quickly and easily. With Apito CMS, developers can create APIs for any content type, including pages, products, and media files, and integrate them with any frontend framework, such as React or Vue.js. Apito CMS also includes advanced features like webhook integrations, role-based access control, and analytics dashboards.

But what sets Apito CMS apart from other CMS API tools is its simplicity and ease of use. With Apito CMS, developers can create, update, and manage their CMS APIs without the need for complex coding or infrastructure setup. Apito CMS also provides a scalable and secure infrastructure that can handle any level of traffic, so developers can focus on building great user experiences without worrying about infrastructure.


To help illustrate the differences between WordPress and Apito CMS, let's take a look at a comparison table:

FeatureWordPressApito CMS
Headless CMS supportLimitedFull
Ease of useModerateHigh
Plugin ecosystemLargeIntegrated
Cloud-based hostingLimitedYes
PricingFreeFree & Paid

As you can see, Apito CMS offers several advantages over WordPress when it comes to building modern headless CMSs. Apito CMS provides full support for headless CMS architecture, making it easier to integrate with frontend frameworks and build faster, more scalable applications. Apito CMS also offers high levels of ease of use, speed, scalability, and security, with a greater level of customizability than WordPress. Additionally, while WordPress has a large plugin ecosystem, Apito CMS's cloud-based hosting and pricing structure make it a more attractive option for developers who want to focus on building great user experiences without worrying about infrastructure.


While WordPress is a great CMS platform, it may not be the best option for modern headless CMS architecture. Apito CMS offers several advantages over WordPress, including full support for headless CMS architecture, ease of use, speed, scalability, security, and customizability. So, if you're looking

· 4 min read

Node.js has become a popular choice for developing content management systems (CMS) due to its scalability, flexibility, and ease of use. There are several Node.js CMS options available, each with its own unique features and advantages. In this article, we'll compare Gatsby, Next.js, Angular, Apito CMS, and GraphQL APIs and help you choose the right one for your project.

Gatsby CMS

Gatsby is a static site generator that uses React.js and GraphQL to build static websites. It offers several advantages, including fast page load times, SEO optimization, and a large plugin ecosystem. Gatsby also offers a headless CMS solution called Gatsby Cloud that allows users to manage their content without the need for a separate CMS.

Next.js CMS

Next.js is a popular server-side rendering framework for React.js. It offers several advantages, including easy setup, automatic code splitting, and hot module replacement. Next.js also has a built-in API route that allows developers to create RESTful or GraphQL APIs.

Angular CMS

Angular is a popular front-end framework that can be used to develop CMSs. It offers several advantages, including powerful data binding, modular architecture, and a large community. Angular also offers a built-in testing framework and CLI for easier development.

Apito CMS

Apito CMS is an API-first, headless CMS solution that offers several advantages, including a user-friendly interface, flexible content modeling, and robust APIs for integrating with other platforms. Apito CMS offers a variety of data types, including text, image, video, and audio, and supports multiple languages and locales.

GraphQL APIs

GraphQL is a query language and runtime for APIs that was developed by Facebook. It offers several advantages over REST APIs, including the ability to request only the data you need, a strong type system, and real-time updates. GraphQL can be used with any front-end framework or language, and is often used with Node.js.

To connect to a GraphQL API in Node.js, we can use the Apollo Client library. Here is an example of how to connect to a GraphQL API using Apollo Client:

const { ApolloClient, InMemoryCache, gql } = require('@apollo/client');

const client = new ApolloClient({
uri: '',
cache: new InMemoryCache()

query: gql`
query GetUsers {
users {
.then(data => console.log(data))
.catch(error => console.error(error));

In this example, we create a new ApolloClient instance with the URI of our GraphQL API and an InMemoryCache. We then use the query function to retrieve data from the API. The query is defined using GraphQL syntax and specifies the data we want to retrieve.

Choosing the Right Node.js CMS

In conclusion, Node.js and JavaScript-based CMSs such as Gatsby, Next.js, and Angular provide developers with powerful tools for building dynamic, high-performing websites and web applications. And with the growing popularity of headless CMS architecture, CMS APIs have become a critical component in delivering content and digital assets to end-users. While connecting to GraphQL APIs in Node.js can be accomplished with popular libraries like Apollo Client, using a service like Apito CMS is the best option for generating and managing CMS APIs. Apito CMS simplifies the process of creating, updating, and managing APIs, allowing developers to focus on building great user experiences and delivering content to their audiences with speed and efficiency.

With Apito CMS, developers can easily customize their CMS APIs to meet the specific needs of their applications, and enjoy the benefits of a scalable and secure infrastructure that can handle any level of traffic. So, if you're looking for a fast and reliable way to build CMS APIs for your Node.js application, be sure to check out Apito CMS.

· 2 min read

In today's e-commerce landscape, businesses are looking for ways to streamline their operations, enhance the user experience, and drive conversions. A headless CMS coupled with digital asset management (DAM) can offer a powerful solution for achieving these goals. In this blog, we'll explore how headless CMS and DAM can revolutionize e-commerce marketing.

What is a Headless CMS?

A headless CMS is a content management system that separates the content management and presentation layers. In a traditional CMS, the content is tightly coupled with the presentation layer, meaning that changing the presentation layer requires changes to the content management layer. With a headless CMS, the content management layer is decoupled from the presentation layer, giving developers more flexibility in designing and implementing the presentation layer.

Why Use a Headless CMS?

A headless CMS offers several advantages over traditional CMSs. Firstly, it allows for greater flexibility in content delivery, enabling content to be delivered to multiple platforms and devices. Secondly, it allows for faster page loads and better SEO by optimizing the delivery of content. Finally, it enables businesses to implement a microservices architecture, allowing different teams to work on different parts of the website independently.

What is Digital Asset Management?

Digital asset management (DAM) is a system for storing, organizing, and retrieving digital assets such as images, videos, and documents. DAM allows businesses to centrally manage their digital assets, ensuring consistency in branding and messaging, and improving workflow efficiencies.

How Headless CMS and DAM Revolutionize E-commerce Marketing?

By using a headless CMS coupled with DAM, businesses can enhance the user experience, streamline operations, and drive conversions. Headless CMS allows for greater flexibility in content delivery, which is particularly important in e-commerce, where content needs to be delivered across multiple channels and devices. DAM ensures that digital assets are centrally managed, ensuring consistency in branding and messaging. This improves the user experience by ensuring that the right assets are used in the right context.

In conclusion, headless CMS coupled with DAM can revolutionize e-commerce marketing by providing businesses with the flexibility, efficiency, and consistency needed to succeed in today's digital landscape. By leveraging these technologies, businesses can improve their operations, enhance the user experience, and drive conversions.

· 4 min read

Content management systems (CMS) have come a long way in recent years, with headless CMSs gaining popularity for their flexibility and ability to work with modern frontend technologies. In this blog, we'll explore the technical advantages of using GraphQL APIs in headless CMSs and why developers should consider them for their next project.

What is GraphQL?

GraphQL is a query language for APIs that was developed by Facebook in 2012. It provides a flexible and efficient way to request data from APIs compared to traditional REST APIs. With GraphQL, developers can request only the data they need, reducing the amount of network traffic and improving performance. Additionally, GraphQL provides a strongly typed schema, making it easier to work with data and reducing the likelihood of errors.

What is a Headless CMS?

A headless CMS is a content management system that provides a content API, but does not provide a presentation layer. This means that developers can use the CMS to manage content, but they are free to build the frontend of their website or application using any technology they choose. This approach provides greater flexibility and allows developers to build more modern and dynamic web applications.

Why Use GraphQL APIs in Headless CMS?

GraphQL APIs are well-suited for headless CMSs, as they provide a more efficient and flexible way to query content. Developers can use GraphQL APIs to request only the data they need, and the data is returned in a single request, reducing the number of API calls required. This can significantly improve performance, especially for mobile or slow network connections.

Additionally, GraphQL APIs provide a strongly typed schema, which makes it easier for developers to work with content. The schema acts as a contract between the frontend and backend, ensuring that both parties are in sync and reducing the likelihood of errors.

There are several popular CMSs that use GraphQL APIs. Here are a few:

Gatsby CMS - Gatsby is a popular static site generator that uses React and GraphQL. Gatsby CMS provides a flexible and efficient way to manage content using GraphQL APIs.

WordPress Headless CMS - WordPress is the most popular CMS in the world, and with the release of the REST API and GraphQL API, it has become a powerful headless CMS.

Strapi - Strapi is a free, open-source CMS that provides a GraphQL API out of the box. It's designed to be easy to use and flexible, making it a great choice for developers who want to get up and running quickly.

Advantages of GraphQL API-based CMS

There are several advantages of using a GraphQL API-based CMS:

Improved Performance - GraphQL APIs allow developers to request only the data they need, reducing the amount of network traffic and improving performance. This is particularly important for mobile users who may have slow network connections.

Flexible - GraphQL APIs are flexible and provide a strongly typed schema, making it easier to work with content and add new features. The schema acts as a contract between the frontend and backend, ensuring that both parties are in sync and reducing the likelihood of errors.

Headless Architecture - Headless CMSs provide greater flexibility, allowing developers to build modern web applications using any technology they choose. This approach also enables easier integrations with third-party services.

Cloud-based - Cloud-based CMSs provide easy scalability, high availability, and global reach, making it easier to build web applications that can serve users around the world. GraphQL APIs also provide caching and batching mechanisms that help improve performance.


GraphQL APIs provide a more flexible and efficient way to query content, making them a natural fit for headless CMS

· 3 min read

Content management systems (CMS) have revolutionized the way websites are built, managed, and updated. CMS software provides website owners with the tools to create and manage content with ease, without requiring any technical knowledge. However, as website complexity increases, traditional CMS systems have struggled to keep up with the demands of modern web development. This is where GraphQL comes in.

What is GraphQL?

GraphQL is a query language for APIs, designed by Facebook in 2012. It allows developers to define the structure of the data they need and receive exactly that, without over-fetching or under-fetching data. In simpler terms, GraphQL provides a more efficient way to request data from APIs.

How Does GraphQL Benefit Content Management Systems?

Traditional CMS systems have a fixed structure for data, which can become a bottleneck when the website needs to be updated or restructured. With GraphQL, CMS systems can become more flexible and scalable. GraphQL allows developers to request data in a more granular way, making it easier to manage complex data structures.

For example, let's say a website has a page that displays a list of blog posts. In traditional CMS systems, this might involve requesting all the data related to each blog post, including the author, tags, and date published. With GraphQL, a developer can request only the data they need, making the website more performant and scalable.

WordPress as a CMS with GraphQL

WordPress is one of the most popular CMS systems in the world, powering over 40% of all websites on the internet. With the release of WordPress 4.7 in 2016, the platform added support for the REST API, which allowed developers to build custom applications that interact with WordPress.

However, REST APIs have their limitations, and GraphQL offers a more efficient alternative. In recent years, there has been a growing number of plugins and libraries that allow WordPress developers to use GraphQL as a data layer for their websites.

CMS Systems and GraphQL

GraphQL is not limited to WordPress; it can be used with any CMS system that has an API. Popular CMS systems like Drupal, Joomla, and Magento have all added support for GraphQL in recent years.


GraphQL is a powerful tool that can greatly benefit content management systems. It provides a more flexible and efficient way to request data, making CMS systems more scalable and performant. As more CMS systems add support for GraphQL, we can expect to see a new generation of websites that are faster and more flexible than ever before.

· 4 min read

If you ever need a GraphQL API for your next project or trying to explore how GraphQL API works then Apito is a perfect place for you. You can create free GraphQL Api in Apito Easily.

Todo GraphQL Api

First, Create your project

Once you logged in to Apito Console you will a Project Space like below. You can use this space to switch between your projects or create a new one. Click on the Start a new Project button to initialize your project creation.

Apito Console

Using a Project Template (Optional)

You can jump start your project with a project template. Data and models will be prefilled on those templates based on your selection. You can also start fresh by selecting an EMPTY PROJECT. But for this project we will select a project tempalte called Todo Note

Apito Create a Project

Fill Up Your Project Details

In this step, Enter your Project Name and description and click and On Database option select Apito Cloud option to create your project faster.


Apito Cloud is a managed database and free of charge. If you select other options, then you have to provide your own credentials.

Create A New Project

Congratulation! your project is being build. Once it’s done you can click Explore new project to switch to your newly created project.

2. Add Models

Click on the Models Tab in the top navigation menu. Then from the left side bar, click on Add a model button. Now, write down the name of the model, in our case it will be product. Now click on the create button.

Database Model Creation

Next, we will add few fields to our newly created product model.


To add fields to a model click on the Add a Field button. First, we will add a title field of type text and we will set the attribute of the title to required. Then, a description field of type, Rich Text. An Image field of type, Media. A Price field of type, Number. And last but not least a Rating field of type, Number. Now let’s create another model named Category and add few fields in it. Those fields will be name, label and icons. Apito model & field builder is very versatile you can use it to design complex and nested model structure.


Next, we will create relations between them. For that you need to click on the Add Field Button and then select Relations. Your relation creation between models depends on your project requirements.

Database Relations

For now, let’s say, Product has many categories and categories has many products. Wow, as you can see, how easy it is to create entity relations between models in apito. Also, you can rename, delete and create fields & relations anytime you want. Now, that our database design of product and category model with relation is created, we are ready to insert some contents.

3. Explore Both GraphQL & REST API

Our Application API is ready. To explore our API lets goto the API from the top of the navigation menu. You will be able to see two tabs.

  • GraphiQL Explorer
  • Swagger (REST)

If you are looking only for GraphQL api then dont worry. RESTapi is a bonus. Use it only if you want to.

Go to the GraphiQL Explorer and Let’s run our first query. We will now Find all the task with 'INPROGRESS' status. Now click Run and as you can see its filtering the result form the content. Now your is ready for integration.

Todo GraphQL Api

You can also use REST API if you project requires it. Apito Generates a Swagger Documentation which is compatible with OpenAPI.

Todo Note Swagger Rest API

· 4 min read

Although headless content management systems are becoming more popular, you might be unsure if they are right for your upcoming project. I listed the benefits of the new strategy above conventional server-side CMS. Thus, you will be able to decide for yourself if Headless CMS will help your project succeed or not.

What is a Headless CMS?

Simply said, it is a separate admin panel that is just responsible for managing and storing content. It offers front-end (the presentational portion of the website) access to the material through API. By doing this, we assign the Front-end framework and CMS different roles in terms of delivering and storing material. Everything will carry out its finest function.

It is comparable, for instance, to a Wordpress admin panel without a direct link to the website. There, you solely keep track of your posts and page information. While the front end is distinct and uses the CMS's data exclusively through its API,

Better Performance

What benefits would a greater performance have for you first? More than 53% of consumers would abandon a website if it takes longer than three seconds to load, according to Google's research. Imagine that if your mobile site is sluggish, over half of your readers will stop visiting. And according to additional Google data, the majority of websites take more than 3 seconds to load. In order to differentiate yourself from the competition, go fast.

The study was illuminating. The visual material above the fold took longer than 5 seconds to load on 70% of the mobile landing pages we examined, and it took longer than 7 seconds for all visual content above and below the fold to fully load.

The installation of the front-end is completely under your control, which results in the high performance of websites powered by Headless CMS. Headless CMS is not overloaded with additional presentational logic code at the same time. Therefore, coders just use what is required and omit the extra. The majority of optimizations are also handled by contemporary front-end frameworks.

Lower time to Market, Faster Development

Your chances of success increase the quicker you test your ideas and bring them to market.

Since you don't have to spend time on finding workarounds and addressing issues in order to incorporate a not trivial feature, developing websites using Headless CMS is often faster. Without being constrained by the CMS, you create the front-end in your own style.

Front-end With the use of frameworks, high-quality websites may be created quickly. The support, editing, and scaling of websites created using frameworks is simpler.

Highly Customizable & Flexible Front-end

You have control over how users interact with your site thanks to the flexibility of the front-end solution. You may now build features that server-side CMS just couldn't support. Your website's UX may be customized to support your objectives, whether they be more readers, subscribers, or customers.

Due to the division of labor between your front-end display and headless CMS, websites are able to be more flexible. Because of the numerous limitations of traditional CMS, developers must frequently discover workarounds to add functionalities.

Cross-platform content Delivery

REST API is used by Headless CMS to give data. Thus, it is not dependent on a certain tech stack. Using the same technology, you may even include material into an application that has already been created.

Regardless of the program you use—web, desktop, or mobile—you can access your material. This can help you save time and money.


Undoubtedly, there are many benefits to adopting a novel approach to website development and content delivery. But that does not imply that it is always the best option. With this knowledge, I hope you can make an informed decision and select the finest technological solution for your objective.

Just to be clear, I prefer utilizing headless content management systems and front-end React frameworks like Next.js or Gatsby to construct my websites and the websites for my clients.

Enjoy your day and create awesome websites!

· 4 min read

Apito is a Cloud based Service that helps you build API easily. You can think of it as a firebase alternative. This guide will show you how you can use Apito to build API for your next project or application.

Apito Console

If you havent already created an account in apito please go to this link and create one. Once you logged in to Apito Console you will a Project Space like above. You can use this space to switch between your projects or create a new one.

Now, for this quick started guide I will be creating an API for an ecommerce project, so lets gets started.

1. Create your project

Click on the Start a new Project button to initialize your project creation. Enter your project name and description and click Continue. On the next page select Apito Cloud option to create your project faster. Other Database options will soon be available. Congratulation! you project is being build. Once it’s done you can click Explore new project to switch to your newly created project and start building your API instantly.

Apito Create a Project

The first step after creating your project is to define your project models. The most important part of designing an API is Database Modeling. Let’s start by creating our first model. We all know Products and categories are a crucial part of an ecommerce API.

2. Model your Database with models & fields

Click on the Models Tab in the top navigation menu. Then from the left side bar, click on Add a model button. Now, write down the name of the model, in our case it will be product. Now click on the create button.

Database Model Creation

Next, we will add few fields to our newly created product model.


To add fields to a model click on the Add a Field button. First, we will add a title field of type text and we will set the attribute of the title to required. Then, a description field of type, Rich Text. An Image field of type, Media. A Price field of type, Number. And last but not least a Rating field of type, Number. Now let’s create another model named Category and add few fields in it. Those fields will be name, label and icons. Apito model & field builder is very versatile you can use it to design complex and nested model structure.


Next, we will create relations between them. For that you need to click on the Add Field Button and then select Relations. Your relation creation between models depends on your project requirements.

Database Relations

For now, let’s say, Product has many categories and categories has many products. Wow, as you can see, how easy it is to create entity relations between models in apito. Also, you can rename, delete and create fields & relations anytime you want. Now, that our database design of product and category model with relation is created, we are ready to insert some contents.

3. Insert your content

Click on the Contents tab and select your model. As you can see, Table and forms are auto generated based on your database model design. Let me insert few products and categories into our database. To add a new product, click on the Add a new product button, which is on the right side of the product content table. You will be able to see a drawer pops up from the right side of our table, which contains an auto generated specialized input form based on your model design.

Content Management

Let’s add our first product using this form into our database. Let’s add our first category into our database. As you can see while creating a category you can directly tag products with it. As you can see that product and category are now linked with each other.

4. Explore Both GraphQL & REST API

Our Ecommerce API is ready. To explore our API lets goto the API Explorer from the top of the navigation menu. As you can see, our GraphQL & REST API is ready for use. Let’s run our first query. We will now Search a product that contains blue in its name. Now click Run and as you can see its working! our ecommerce API is ready for integration.

GraphQL Explorer

You can also use REST API if you project requires it. Apito Generates a Swagger Documentation which is compatible with OpenAPI.

Swagger UI

· 9 min read

Recently GraphQL is becoming the buzzword in the developer community. Although building a GraphQL server was very difficult in the past, nowadays with overall community support and developer tools, I can say it's rather very easy to build one than to build an old-fashioned Rest API.

When it comes to choosing which protocol to choose for your next project, nowadays people often get confused between Rest API & GraphQL, I say, don't get confused and it depends. There are many aspects where using GraphQL is overkill and many cases where GraphQL will thrive over REST API. Let's discuss what's what throughout the post

Let's discuss what's what throughout the post

On Using Both!

Apito Console generates both GraphQL & RESTful apis from the model you specify. Both rest & graphql has their own pros and cons. there is no general rules on if you are using graphql then you cant use rest api in your application! One example here where both is usable is the use of media. if your app has a media/file uploader then graphql is not build to handle multi-part data. In that case you can use graphql for content and rest api for file/media upload.

Thx to Apito you have the power of both. Use accordingly.

Working with REST APIs

The endpoint, HTTP method, header, and body make up a REST request with An endpoint includes a URI (Uniform Resource Identifier), which aids in online resource identification.

The type of request made to the server is described by an HTTP method. As follows:

  • GET reads a representation of the source that is supplied.
  • POST Creates a new resource.
  • PUT replaces or updates all the collection's resources.
  • PATCH changes the resource.
  • DELETE is used to remove a resource.

A RESTful API employs HTTP methods to carry out CRUD (Create, Read, Update, and Delete) processes while interacting with data. In order to facilitate caching, AB testing, authentication, and other processes, headers offer information to clients and servers.

The body houses data that a client wishes to transmit to a server, such the request's payload.

What is GraphQL?

Simply, A GraphQL is used to answer queries with already-existing data. GraphQL is an open-source data query and manipulation language for APIs. GraphQL is mostly maintained and developed by the GraphQL Foundation and has been used widely across many industries and use cases by businesses like Twitter, Expedia, Shopify, and Github, to mention a few.

Advantages of GraphQL APIs

Let's go through some of the fundamental benefits that make GraphQL unique.

Data Fetching, Filtering and Queries

Overfetching and Underfetching are two of REST's most frequent default limitations. This occurs as a result of a client's dependence on endpoints that only deliver fixed data sets in order to download data. It's incredibly challenging to create an API that can provide users the precise data they want.

Overfetching means getting more information than you need. For example, if the endpoint holds data on a user employed at a company, you’d hit the /profile endpoint in case of a RESTApi, and instead of only getting the names that you’re interested in, you will get everything that endpoint has to offer - including age, pictures, address, and lots of personal information etc which you might now need. With GraphQL, you’d simply need to dictate what you want in a query:

profile {
avatar {

You would receive a predictable dataset to work with based on what you asked since your response wouldn't contain any more data that the endpoint might be able to offer.

Typed Schema and Type Safety

A highly typed system is used by GraphQL to specify an API's capabilities. The GraphQL Schema Definition Language (SDL) and/or code-first are used to create a schema that lists all the types that are available in an API.

Now that the GraphQL API is typed, frontend teams can work with it with confidence, knowing that if the backend team makes any changes to the API's architecture, they will receive immediate feedback when querying it from the frontend.

The code for queries and modifications may be generated automatically from your codebase's GraphQL query files using well-known tools like the GraphQL Code Generator. As a result, development is sped up and production faults are avoided.

Faster Product Development

When using REST APIs, it's usual practice organizing the endpoints into groups based on the views that are present in your app (for instance, /author, /books, /orders, etc.). This is convenient as it enables the client to obtain all necessary data for a certain view by only contacting the associated endpoint.

This method has the downside of not allowing for quick iterations. There is a chance that the amount of data needed will increase (or decrease) depending on the UI update being made.

In order to accommodate those additional data requirements, the backend must also be modified, which is counterproductive and slows down the product development process.

With GraphQL's flexibility without requiring additional server effort. Clients may declare their specific data needs, thus there is no need to modify the backend when the design or data requirements on the frontend change.

Schema Stitching

The capability of stitching schemas is a significant differentiator. To make numerous schemas accessible to the client, GraphQL may merge them into a single schema. For instance, combining the Burgers API and Nutrition API schemas by combining the information from several sources about a certain menu item's nutrition information.

where: { name: "harry"}
# from Menu endpoint
# from Recommendation endpoint
similar {
books {
# from Order endpoint

GraphQL vs. REST

The primary distinction between GraphQL and REST APIs is that the former is an architectural framework for network-based applications, while the latter is a query language standard.

Strongly typed GraphQL is ideal for reducing development time since it interacts with code generation tools, is self-documenting based on schema types and descriptions, and is strongly typed.

In very basic terms, the ordering of hamburgers can help us understand one of the most well-known distinctions: the variations in expected answers to inquiry. Although the GraphQL burger meme has been around for a while, the explanation it offers still makes the fundamentals easy to understand.

You may "have it your way" using GraphQL by expressing how you want that cheeseburger to be made. You may now order a cheeseburger (reaction) without a bottom bun, with a bun on top, a patty, pickle, onion, and cheese (unless you're vegan).

query getCheeseburger ($vegan: Boolean) {
cheeseburger {
cheese @skip(if: $vegan)

Your GraphQL answer is formatted and scaled precisely as you specify. Nothing more, nothing less, and nothing different about your response from what you asked for or desired.


For network-based applications, a REST API is a "architectural notion." On the other side, GraphQL is a query language and collection of tools that work with just one endpoint. Additionally, during the past several years, REST has been utilized to create new APIs, whereas GraphQL has been primarily focused on performance and flexibility optimization.

You would most likely receive whole "datasets" as a response while utilizing REST. You would need to make x REST API queries in order to get information from x objects. Your inquiries may take the following form if you're looking for product details for a menu website:

Request menu for burger names, descriptions, ingredients, etc. in one request in another Request prices for prices pertaining to that menu and in another request images for menu shots from another dataset... and so on

In contrast, if you wanted to gather data from a particular endpoint, you couldn't restrict the fields that the REST API returned since, when used without further parameters, it always overfetches the whole data set.

The request may be tailored to exactly what you need, from many objects down to individual fields inside each entity, using GraphQL's query language. GraphQL would require the x endpoint, and it can do a lot with that data, but you must first specify your goals for it.

The request would be limited to getting the same endpoint's menuItem, menuIngredients, menuImage, and menuPrice in a single request, using the same example. The database's other material wouldn't be returned

Similar to the earlier burger analogy, GraphQL allows you to customize the cheeseburger you receive through REST to include exactly the amount of your choice of toppings.

Choosing GraphQL over REST or in conjunction with it is a very individualized choice that is greatly impacted by the use-case. It's crucial to remember that GraphQL is neither a substitute for REST nor an alternative. Here are some crucial distinctions to assist make that choice easier:

A query language for solving common problems when integrating APIsAn architectural style largely viewed as a conventional standard for designing APIs
Deployed over HTTP using a single endpoint that provides the full capabilities of the exposed serviceDeployed over a set of URLs where each of them exposes a single resource
Client-driven architectureServer-driven architecture
Uses caching automaticallyLacks in-built caching mechanism
Better API versioning SystemComplicated API version Support
Response supports only JSONXML, JSON, and YAML
Offers type-safety and auto-generated documentationDoesn't offer type-safety or auto-generated documentation
Allows for schema stitching and remote data fetchingSimplifying work with multiple endpoints requires expensive custom middleware
Build in Validation based on SchemaNo Build In Validation
Single EndpointMultiple Endpoints

· 6 min read

Internet is filled with tons of articles and tutorials that talk about building production-ready and scalable apps for both web and mobile. Developers often time get caught up trying to apply the same principle or guide but often time they ended up "re-inventing the wheel" Apito and Firebase both come with Backend as a Service (BaaS) APIs that help you develop your application faster. A key component of any BaaS is instant APIs over a database

  • once you define your database schema, you should get data APIs instantly.

Comparing Apples to Applesauce

Apito and Firebase both offer APIs over a database while both of them provide this solution on top of a proprietary database. We use nn optimized version of RocksDB. Soon Apito will be able to connect to several popular choices of databases including PostgreSQL, MySQL, Mariadb, Mongodb & ArangoDB. That is a topic of another discussion.

Firebase was originally designed exclusively as a realtime database. If your project does not need a real-time database then using it is exteamly difficult for modern application development.

Let me tell you why,

Querying & Filtering your data is very difficult with Firebase, wherewith Apito you can execute bulk queries with complex filters ( even geospatial queries ) Also, Once an application is in production, you will need to write complex queries, especially for the purpose of Analytics or Business Intelligence. With Firebase, you are restricted to basic CRUD queries. This is okay for rapid prototyping but does not lend itself to a production app.

Database Design, Migration & Content Management

This is probably one of the biggest gripes power users have with Firebase. On Firebase, you can only change data from the client-side. This means you have to write a script to perform a schema evolution (which is error-prone and risky if not performed in a transaction, or in sets of transactions) or handle the schema evolution in the app code itself!

But on the other hand, On Apito, Migration happens instantly once you modify your model and publish it. This is similar to the natural developer workflow of taking changes in dev and then applying them in staging/production environments.

Data modeling

Thanks to Apito's Versatile Model Builder, it supports various fields to model and structures your project, for example, Single Line Text Field, Date Field, Number Field, Fields within Fields ( Array of Object) and the Most important feature is the relation between models ( One-to-One, One-to-Many, Many-to-Many ) It is harder to model relationships between independent data models with Firebase's proprietary database (originally a realtime database). If you made a mistake early on in your modelling, migrating and changing to a new data model is hard.

Role based Permissions

Firebase permissions can only capture rules based on the data within the current 'path' (node).

On Apito, you can specify granular permissions based on roles. That can be attatched to any API endpoints & models. Read more here.

A Back-end for SaaS Apps

Firebase is a well-known backend-as-a-service. It has a ton of useful features that can all be tuned and tweaked to power the back-end of a SaaS application. That said, they've made a much larger effort to be the cloud back-end for mobile apps. As a developer building SaaS, you can configure Firebase services to suit your requirements, but it's always going to be extra work. With Apito, that's pretty different. 8base designed its platform to best accommodate SaaS apps from day one; with a GraphQL API for any web-client, or mobile, to consume. This naturally makes it ideal for developers looking for a backend-as-a-service on any SaaS project. Why? Because things like authorization, multi-tenancy, user administration, and a relational schema builder are all native to the platform.

To summarize our points, Apito has many advantages including

  • Easy Learning Curve
  • Versatile Database Modeling
  • Robust Content Management System
  • Complex Query & Filtering
  • Role based Permissions
  • Build In Support for Multilingual Content
  • Instant GraphQL & REST API Endpoints
  • Webhooks
  • Authentication Module
  • Cloud Functions

Apito vs Firebase Comparison

GraphQL or RESTful API? Why not Both?

Today, almost all apps are data-driven. Making sure a developer has access to the data they need when they need it, and as they need it, is super important. For the past decade, REST has been the API standard. While the world has benefited hugely from REST, it has some limitations. GraphQL, on the other hand, comes with some huge advantages when compared to REST. A single endpoint can support any query or mutation (a.k.a. update).

Queries get defined on the client-side, meaning no more endpoint updates done by backend developers. Queries only return data that the developer wants. Out of the box, Firebase lets users build REST endpoints. You can set up a GraphQL engine on Firebase, but it takes a lot of time and a lot of know-how.

Role-Based Security

Meanwhile, as everyone is out there building the sleekest, and most straightforward user interface that enchants the pants off users, app security is too often being overlooked. That's why Firebase and Apito have security built directly into their products. Firebase offers the ability to set up role-based security using custom functions that get stored as rules. Every rule is then validated against each API requests.

The developer can define all their custom authentication logic. Apito built role-based security directly into its platform, and expose that to developers through a configurable interface. It makes adding permissions and roles for specific actions on specific tables and fields super straight forward. It also supports role-based scoping of records using custom filters. Pretty much, if developers follow either platform's documentation around how to set up authorization, they won't have to worry about security. It's just up to them how long they want to take to get there.


There are millions of developers in the world, each with their nuanced preferences to specific stacks and tools. In the greater software ecosystem, 1000s of tools and services exist to help support developers in building amazing apps. Of all the tools, services, frameworks, platforms, and specifications, only a few stand out.

Apito gives developers a back-end they need when building modern apps, the way that they would have wanted to build it themselves. By configuring dozens of clutch back-end resources and offering them as a production-ready platform, you can easily write your project-specific business logic with cloud function Knowing the whole time that security, scalability, database management, and the like are future proof.

A developer is going to come across both Apito and Firebase when researching backend-as-a-service platforms. Both platforms are going to offer them similar features that are backed by different implementations. That said, the experience that the developer has when using either platform is the real acid test.